THE choir at Crediton Parish Church was delighted to learn on Thursday, July 11, that it was one of just seven parish churches in the country to receive an award from the Cathedral Music Trust and Royal School of Church Music under their joint financial support programme.

The grant, worth £7,000 over the year ahead, will be aimed at further developing the younger end of the choir, in particular by enabling additional teaching resource for the junior choir and the reintroduction of choral scholars.

Crediton Parish Church Choir at Salisbury Cathedral.
(Jon Rawles)

Jon Rawles, Director of Music at Holy Cross, said: “This award will really accelerate the rebuilding of the younger end of our choir, giving a better experience both for our existing loyal group of juniors and for those we hope will join them.

“Choral scholars will bring an extra dimension – bridging the generations and inspiring others to follow.”  

Rev Preb Matthew Tregenza, Rector of Crediton, added: “The choir is a key part of our outreach to the younger age group and their families.  The award is a real vote of confidence in all the hard work Jon has put in since his arrival in Crediton, and I look forward to the award enabling him to take the choir on to an even higher level.” 

The announcement of the award followed a detailed application of how the award would be used, backed up by a short recording of the choir in action.

Since the announcement, the choir travelled to Salisbury to sing Choral Evensong while that cathedral’s choir was away.

A church spokesman said that singing in the soaring acoustic of the 800 year-old cathedral with its famous spire (at 400ft the tallest in England) was a new experience for some of the younger choristers.    

He added that the large cathedral congregation, boosted by summer tourists, was really appreciative of the fine singing.

He continued: “Such cathedral visits (future ones are planned as far afield as Lichfield and Truro) are an opportunity for the choir not just to sing in another location but to spend some time together.

“Members of the choir enjoyed lunch together, while the junior choristers tried their hand at a bowling competition.

“There was time for a guided tour where some of the younger members were fascinated to see a model of how the cathedral was constructed in the 13th Century, and to hear how the cathedral carefully monitors the water table just a few feet below this massive masterpiece of architecture.  

“The new grant highlights the exceptional opportunities this choir offers for young people who are enthusiastic about singing.”

On September 28, the choir will be holding its next “Be a Chorister” taster morning.

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