RECENTLY we have been dispelling a few myths surrounding volunteering with us at Citizens Advice Torridge, North, Mid and West Devon (CA TMWD).

People seemed to think that our volunteers are all retired professionals – lawyers, accountants and so on.

Whilst it is true that some of our volunteers do fall into this category, the majority do not. Everyone joining us as a volunteer has thorough and ongoing training and support. 

Another myth is that all volunteers have to be trained to give advice. There are also reception and administrative roles to fulfil. 

Right now we need volunteers specifically to fill out forms.

Yes – that may sound a little surprising, but many people are totally phased by the various forms that need to be completed and some can take up to two hours to complete fully.

We have noted that 40 per cent of current appointments are helping people with welfare benefits form filling.

It is really helpful to everyone to have someone who understands what the forms are seeking to establish, filling them in; many appear to be complicated and daunting and sometimes people who really do need our help are put off by this and fall at the first hurdle. 

We are seeking to recruit volunteers to undergo specific training in order to fulfil this important part of the advice process.

Could you spare one day-a-week to do this work? 

People join Citizens Advice as volunteers for all kinds of reasons.

Sometimes it is simply to meet new people and have a worthwhile reason to get out of the house one day a week. 

We are a very friendly and welcoming bunch of people with the aim to help as many people as possible in our local community.

The cost of living crisis has put us under even greater pressure and by taking the form filling process out of the advisory equation, we should be able to help even more people than we currently can. In 2022-23 we helped more than 15,000 people but we know many more need our help.

Having volunteers dedicated to the form filling process is a big step forward in helping us achieve our aim of helping at least 17,000 people this year 2023-24. 

If this interests you, contact: [email protected]  or visit our website:  and find out more about the work we do. 

This is an important piece of work and we very much look forward to hearing from you! 

Citizens Advice Torridge, North, Mid and West Devon