A PLAY co-written by a former trustee of Crediton Arts Centre is set to be performed there. 

The two-day show is scheduled for Friday, June 28 and Saturday, June 29, starting at 7.30pm. 

“I’m thrilled to bring our show Possession to a community and venue which reignited my passion for theatre over 15 years ago,” said Rebecca Megson-Smith, who used to live in Crediton and wrote the play together with Simon Harvey Williams and Phil John. 

Possession delves into the complexities of human relationships, as during one dark night on Dartmoor a couple is confronted by uncomfortable revelations that shake the foundations of their relationship.  

“The evening begins with celebration and hilarity, but the walls quickly begin to close in as the night progresses.  

“Can they make it through and face a new dawn together or is everything between them irrevocably changed by these events?” 

The production, co-produced between Darkstuff Productions and the Moveable Type Theatre Company, will feature North Devon actor Arran Hawkins and Dartington College graduate Claire Morgan. It is directed by Totnes residents Danielle Mcliven and Phil John.  

Speaking about her memories of Crediton Arts Centre, Ms Megson-Smith added: “It was the summer of 2009 when I first became involved with Crediton Arts Centre, after a 10-year hiatus away from theatre.  

“The venue, and the amazing people I met there, gave me the encouragement to crack open the creative vault that I’d kept closed for too long.  

“I have some incredible memories: Brown Paper Bag putting me in an urn for a production of Samuel Beckett’s Play (directed by Anthony Richards), Peter Hamilton casting me as a wise old man in Pericles in Shakespeare in the Square.  

“I also remember Pam Barnard who got me writing (and sharing) poetry, and Geoff Fox who encouraged me to consider theatre as a career.  

“The value and importance of a local arts centre, the gift it is in, and to, a community cannot be overstated. 

“This in time took me to my now hometown of Bristol, and to the creative team that is Darkstuff Productions.” 

You can buy tickets online at www.ticketsource.co.uk/creditonartscentre