MID Devon District Council planning applications received for week ending March 12 included:
All applications are subject to a 21-day period of receipt of representations unless otherwise stated.
Mr G Strong, Fourwinds, Shillingford. Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden and erection of single storey extensions to side and rear at land at NGR 296051 122700 and Court Grove Farm, Bampton.
Fiona Horsby, The Flower Shed. Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of a building as a dwelling in breach of Conditions 2 and 4 (for agricultural purposes) of Planning Permission 19/01195/FULL for a period in excess of four years.
Mr Stuart Caton, Paschoe House, Bow. Construction of an outdoor swimming pool, erection of associated plant room, alterations of wall to South, extension to East and West stone walls and associated landscaping works. Also Listed Building Consent for extension to West stone wall at above.
Mr Russell Stevens, Holwell Barton, Neopardy. Erection of a self-build dwelling following demolition of existing agricultural barn utilising the Class Q fallback position (23/00646/PNCOU) at Agricultural Building at NGR 280173 99203 (Holwell Barton).
Mr Blackmore, Palm Lodge, Deep Lane. Erection of an extension to garage.
Mr and Mrs T Browne, Oakley Farm. Outline for the erection of an agricultural worker’s self-build dwelling with all matters reserved at land at NGR 286072 100276 Oakley Farm.
Mrs Alison Webster, The Tower, 15 Prispen House, Prispen Drive. Applicastion to remove one limb on one Holm Oak tree protected by Tree Preservation Order 97/00015/TPO.
Teignbridge District Council planning applications received for week ending March 7 included:
New porch and two-storey rear extension with balcony at Little Fairwood Cottage.
To see more public notices and planning applications, visit: https://publicnoticeportal.uk/.