MID Devon District Council planning applications received for week ending March 5 included:

All applications are subject to a 21-day period for receipt of representations unless otherwise stated.


Mr and Mrs Swain, Rostadkag. Change of use of Post Office and shop (Class E(a)) to additional residential accommodation to be used in conjunction with Rostadkag at Post Office, Cheriton Fitzpaine.


Mr Alex Turner, Long Barn Farm, Crediton. Erection of roof to provide a covered manure store at land at NGR 284038 101792 (Long Barn) and erection of roof to provide covered manure store at land at NGR 284064 101810 (Long Barn).


Ms C Daniels, Rull Orchard. Erection of a self/build dwelling and associated infrastructure utilising the Class Q fallback position 23/00826/PNCOU.


Mr P Hunt, Copstone House, Black Dog. Change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden and erection of a shed.


Mr K Hamilton, Kentmere. Application to remove one Lime tree protected by Tree Preservation Order 88/00003/TPO.

Teignbridge District Council planning applications received for week ending February 28 included:


Application for Prior Approval under Part 3 Class Q (a) and (b) paragraph W of the GPDO for change of use of agricultural building to eight dwellings at Barn adjacent to Westview Farm.


Demolition of six agricultural buildings and construction of two dwellings (following Class Q approval 24/00811/NPA) at Westview Farm.


Change of use and conversion of existing garage/store building to a dwelling to be utilised as holiday accommodation at Greenhaven, Longdown Road.


Proposed widening of existing access, construction of entrance piers and creation of a new access drive at Hackworthy Farm, Hackworthy Lane, Nadderwater.

To see more public notices and planning applications, visit: https://publicnoticeportal.uk/