MID Devon District Council planning applications received for week ending February 26 included:


Mr Austin, Gospel Hall, Coleford. Change of use of land to domestic to include formation of vehicular access and parking area at land at NGR 277196 101025 Coleford.


Mr D Johnson, ℅ Mr Richard Bailey, Stags, 21/22 Southernhay West, Exeter. Erection of four dwellings and associated works following demolition of an agricultural building utilising the Class Q fallback position 24/00371/PNCOU at land and buildings at NGR 280214 97818 (Frankland Cottage), Neopardy.


Mr John Hyson, Dairy Farm Services Ltd, The Office, Wood Park Farm. Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of a building as a dwelling in breach of Condition 3 (for agricultural purposes) of Planning Permission 06/01946/FULL in excess of 10 years.


Mr and Mrs Tucker, 4 Highfield. Demolition of former veterinary surgery and erection of a dwelling with associated garage and parking at West Ridge Veterinary Practice, The Surgery, Popes Lane, Lapford.


Mr R Moore, Lydcott Nursery, Black Dog. Construction of new vehicular access.


Mr and Mrs R and S Bennett, Glebe Cottage. Listed Building Consent for internal alteration to first floor room to replace fractured purlin.

Teignbridge District Council planning applications received for week ending February 21 included:


New access track at Sowton Mill.


Conversion of existing workshop/barn, including raising of the roof, to provide artists studio and guest bedroom ancillary to main house at Trees, Perridge Lane, Longdown.

Demolition of agricultural building for change of use to residential and construction of self-build detached house with a detached double garage and annexe and associated groundworks, following Class Q consent under application 23/1001/NPA at land south east of Hill Farm, NGR 287048 93161, Pound Lane.

To see more public notices and planning applications, visit: https://publicnoticeportal.uk/