Mid Devon District Council planning applications received for week ending December 18 included:
All applications are subject to a 21-day period for receipt of representations.
Mr M and Mrs J Hunt, Shute Cottage, Wembworthy. Erection of a single storey rear extension.
Mr and Mrs Burrows, Leigh Barton, East Leigh. Conversion of outbuilding to ancillary accommodation. Also Listed Building Consent for above.
Mrs Sue Shears, Waterleat. Listed Building Consent to increase height of chimney to 1.8m above the ridge and installation of wood burner.
Meadfleet, Copelan Mead, Bishops Drive. Application to cut back by 1m branches of two Rowan, group of Ash, Sorbus and Hazel, cut back by 3m one Hazel, Hawthorn, Oak and Elm and remove one Elm tree protected by Tree Preservation Order 97/00009/TPO at land at NGR 276618 103067, A377/Bishops Drive.
Mr Peter Rich, Demmitts Farm, Posbury. Demolition of an agricultural barn and erection of three dwellings, utilising the Class Q fallback position at land and buildings at NGR 281030 96522 Venny Tedburn.
Ruth Vigers, Culver Court, Venny Tedburn. Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 22/01920/FULL (Conversion of barn to dwelling) to allow substitute plans relating to a new window opening on South West and North West elevations, omission of window on North East elevation and re- positioning of rooflights on North East elevation.
Mr D Cummings, 14 Deep Lane. Installation of dormer to West elevation to facilitate loft conversion.
Mr S Moger, Terra Nova Land Management, The Post Yard, Bullen Street. Listed Building Consent for the erection of home office to create dwelling following demolition of outbuilding.
Meadfleet, The Hayes, Swan Avenue. Application to remove deadwood greater than 25mm to two Oak trees (T1 and T3) and crown raise to 3m group of eight Oaks (T2) protected by Tree Preservation Order 02/00006/TPO at land at NGR 296266 113594 and 296247 113532 Hawks Drive, Tiverton.
Mr Ben Collins, Sweetings Farm. Erection of agricultural barn at land at NGR 301223 117593 (Sweetings Farm).
Mrs D Osman, Elmsleigh House. Erection of a self build dwelling and garage following demolition of existing barn utilising the Class Q fallback position (24/01305/PNCOU) at land and buildings at NGR 265586 112388 South of Kennydown Lane, Bridge Reeve.
Mr L Bradford, 42 Holdon Road, Exeter. Erection of vehicle motor workshop at land at NGR 280842 109582 Tree Farm, Black Dog.
Ms Anna Ross, Elite Dressage Ltd, Barons Wood Equestrian Centre. Engineering works to reprofile redundant manege and associated landscaping works at land at NGR 269828 103850 (Barons Wood).
Teignbridge District Council planning applications received for week ending December 13 included:
Application for Prior Approval under Part 3 Class Q (a) and (b) paragraph W of the GPDO for change of use of an agricultural building to one dwelling house including rear extension at Barn at NGR 283626 89423, Cotley Lane, Dunsford.
To see more public notices and planning applications, visit: https://publicnoticeportal.uk/.