Mid Devon District Council planning applications received for week ending August 14 included:


Mr Bishop, Nymet Barton. Installation of a level ramped access to the rear of the property, replacement door and installation of a front handrail. Also Listed Building Consent for above plus temporary internal flooring and associated works.


Mr R Broad, Homeleigh Garden Centre, Launceston. Erection of extension to main building, extension of hard standing, repositioning and extension of machinery shed and store and provision of a car wash building at Homeleigh Garden Centre, Barnstaple Cross, Crediton. 


Mr and Mrs D and H Bedford, 16 Blagdon Close. Variation of Condition (2) of planning permission 23/00894/HOUSE (Erection of a two-storey side extension and single storey rear extension) to allow substitute plans showing alterations to doors, windows and external finish. 


Mrs Victoria Powell, Weeke Barton. Erection of free-standing greenhouse.


Mr and Mrs Kingsland, Partridge Hole Farm, Woolfardsworthy. Change of use of agricultural barn to residential annexe ancillary to the main farmhouse at Cowshed, Partridge Hole. Also Listed Building Consent for above.


Nick Bruce-Jones, Longacre Barn, 4 Beech Tree Court, New Buildings. Enlargement of three existing windows and installation of two new windows.


Teignbridge District Council planning applications received for week ending August 9 included:


Temporary agricultural workers’ dwelling at Westview Farm.

To see more public notices and planning applications, visit:  https://publicnoticeportal.uk/