Mid Devon District Council planning applications received for week ending July 24 included:


Mr Lee Potts, Holly House. Erection of a detached garage extension and alterations to dwelling.


Mrs C Stanbury, The Grange. Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 14/01996/FULL (Application to allow existing commenced planning permission 06/02512/FULL for four dwellings to three dwellings) to allow substitute plans relating to materials of facias and soffits.


Mr R Crang, Butsford Barton. Erection of single storey rear extension.


Mr Richard Stephens, Winswood House, Dokkum Road. Listed Building Consent for replacement of sand and cement render with lime render on rear elevation and re-plastering of two ceilings.


Mr and Mrs C and E Roveta, Venn Farm. Retention of change of use from holiday let back to agricultural storage at Barn Cottage, Venn Farm.


Mr Gordon Stevens, Kerswell Cottage. Details pursuant to the Discharge of Condition 3 of Listed Building Consent 23/01076/LBC relating to external facing materials.


Dr and Ms J Hole and J Cornwall, Berry House, Bullen Street. Conversion of two flats to dwelling, replacement of windows and doors, erection of replacement porch to west elevation and balcony to east elevation at Castle Orchard, Dark Lane, Thorverton.

To see more public notices and planning applications, visit: https://publicnoticeportal.uk/