Mid Devon District Council planning applications received for the week ending November 27 included:


Mr, Ms and Ms M B and A Richardson, Sparrow and Tucker, c/o Mr J Yardley, Stags, 21 Southernhay West, Exeter. Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of a dwelling in breach of agricultural occupancy Condition 6 of Planning Permission CD.4703 for a period in excess of 10 years at Hilldown Cottage at Bow.


Mrs H Martin, Crediton Congregational Church, High Street, Crediton. Details pursuant to the Discharge of Conditions 3 and 4 (Details of the removal existing and installation of replacement of fire escape) of Listed Building Consent 23/01833/LBC.


Mr W W Berry, Leigh Haven, Loxbeare. Removal of condition (c) of planning permission EN.12164/X (agricultural occupancy restriction) to enable unrestricted occupation of dwelling.


Mr Cowell, Billhole Farm, Black Dog, Thelbridge. Erection of a dwelling following the demolition of an agricultural building utilising the Class Q fallback (23/00507/PNCOU) at land and buildings at NGR 278351 111686 Billhole Farm, Thelbridge.

Mr and Mrs C Harrington, Little Curriton, Black Dog. Erection of extension to ground floor and first floor extension above.


BP Pulse, c/o K McCain, Rapleys LLP, 66 St James’s Street, London. Installation of two lighting columns 4m in height at M and S Foodstore, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton.

Dr R Loveridge, c/o Mr Alister Smith, Stags, 21 Southernhay West, Exeter. Details pursuant to the Discharge of Conditions 3, 4 and 5 of Listed Building Consent 21/01940/LBC relating to details of external walls and roofs; doors, windows and boarding or other external opening; roof eaves, verges and rainwater goods at Lurley House, Lurley, Tiverton.

To see more public notices and planning applications, visit the website: https://publicnoticeportal.uk/.