THE people of Crediton and the surrounding area will soon be able to enjoy a McDonald’s meal at a restaurant closer to home.
Mid Devon District Council (MDDC) planners, who met today, Wednesday, January 10, were recommended to approve plans for a McDonald’s restaurant and drive-thru on the edge of Crediton, and this afternoon they voted in favour, with just one abstention.
Councillors have approved the plan for a McDonald’s restaurant and drive-thru on the outskirts of Crediton. Video by Alan Quick
There was a long debate about the application for the restaurant which will be located on land at NGR 284600 099535 Joseph Locke Way, Crediton.
The application was approved with a number of conditions, which included:
1) A financial contribution of £35,281 to be allocated and spent towards measures necessary to assist with the flow of traffic through the Western Gateway, St Lawrence Green and the High Street in Crediton and for the provision of two additional electric vehicle charging points above the two required by Policy making four in total to address air quality within the Crediton Air Quality Management Area. 2) A financial contribution of £15,000 toward the Shop Front Enhancement scheme. The shop front/business enhancement scheme is specifically targeted at SME businesses preparing and serving food: (Use classes E(a), E(b) and sui generis) that are situated within the Crediton Town centre boundary.

3) To secure the funding of £5,000 for Devon County Council for double yellow lines through the TRO process and to secure the land on the Eastern Side of Joseph Locke Way, North of the junction to the proposed entrance to provide for a cycle/footway to the junction.”
There will be a total of 76 covers for visitors to eat their meals.
The proposal includes 36 car parking spaces, inclusive of provision for two accessible bays, two grill bays and four electric vehicle charging bays (one being an accessible bay).
There will be five Sheffield customer bike stands, for an overall provision of 10 cycle spaces.
120 JOBS
The supporting statement outlines that this proposal represents a multi-million-pound investment by a national operator in Crediton and the restaurant is expected to employ more than 120 full and part-time staff, which McDonald’s seeks to recruit from the local area.
There were more than 111 letters of representation, 45 letters of which were of objection, one letter of general comment and 65 were letters of support. Letters of representation can be viewed in full on the council’s website: .
The grounds of objection, and in favour, can be viewed within the supporting documents.
Negotiations took place between the council officers with the applicant, David Shawyer, the franchise holder for restaurants in Exeter and also at Tiverton.
Mr Shawyer said he had worked hard with the council officers and made amendments to the application to make it the best it could be for the Crediton area.
Amendments included changing the access to the site to benefit neighbours (Mole Avon), reducing the height of signage, enhancing landscaping and including local materials to the building.
He spoke of the career pathway for McDonald’s staff and outlined that about 50 per cent are part-time staff to help local people.
Mr Shawyer spoke of waste sustainability and litter picking and responsibly disposing of waste and keeping areas clean and tidy.
He said he actively seeks out opportunities to help local communities.
Cllr Liz Brookes-Hocking, the Mayor of Crediton, spoke about aspects including material planning considerations.
She commented on ecology plan changes and commented on the rain garden being at the top of an area. She wanted the further trees planted and better bio-diversity on the slope near the A377.
“The other thing I want to ask you is to review is this 24/7 thing, there are no other outlets of this type in Crediton that open 24/7.
“I see no reason why you should be granting permission to break the mould.
“In terms of the design, there is the before and after, yes more brick, but still looks like an overblown shipping container to me.

“The Tiverton one has been mentioned, it has a pitched roof, I can’t see why we have that in Crediton.
“The design is not good enough.
“The S106 contributions are paltry, they will make more than the £15,000 in the first month.”

She also questioned the need for the totem pole sign, even though it is reduced from 12 metres.
She did not want a “blast of yellow light” being the first thing every visitor to the town would see.
Crediton District Councillors Cochran and Cairney both raised issues about congestion and highways issues but a Devon County Council spokesman said that this had been taken into account and was not likely to be an issue.