IT’S time for a change in Westminster with more Green MPs to hold other parties to account, the Green Party’s Central Devon candidate has said. 

Gill Westcott, who is a Mid Devon district councillor for Canonsleigh, has lived in the area for 14 years and is married with two sons and two grandsons. 

Cllr Westcott said she would be “honoured to represent our communities at Westminster” if elected, and that the Green Party’s single MP Caroline Lucas, who is standing down at the general election on Thursday, July 4, “has been a lone voice for too long”.  

“Our national policies are popular – including taking into public ownership the water companies which have discharged huge amounts of raw sewage into our rivers.” 

She supports Green Party policy for a fully public, well-funded NHS, more dentists and better rural access to services.  

“We need serious action to reduce the pressure of cost-of-living increases – including insulating cold homes to cut their energy bills,” she continued. 

“The growing levels of child poverty and reliance on food banks in Central Devon is a disgrace. 

“Farmers need to receive a fair share of the value of their products and deserve support for nature-friendly farming that reduces climate impacts.  

“This is more important than tax breaks for new North Sea oil and gas fields, which worsen climate change and amount to a betrayal of our young people.” 

The other candidates for the Central Devon seat are Conservative Mel Stride, Ollie Pearson for Labour, Mark Wooding for the Liberal Democrats and Jeffrey Leeks for Reform UK.