MID Devon Mobility provides a valuable transport service for so many people in Mid Devon, but the Crediton service is in need of some assistance.

The charity has three minibuses but is desperately in need of a parking solution for these vehicles overnight and for some daytime parking.

Sarah Holmes, the Crediton Transport Co-ordinator explained: “We have an ongoing parking issue.

“The current parking we use is far from ideal and 15 months ago one of our vehicles was badly damaged when it was struck by another vehicle.

“We need some parking within Crediton Town ideally.

“The VW Ring and Ride bus is out normally Monday to Friday from 7.30am to 5pm and the Boxer minibus is out about three days-a-week.

“Our Mercedes minibus is out about twice-a-week for day trips and use by care homes etc.”

If anyone can help or would like further details, please get in touch with Sarah on 01363 773303.