SAMPFORD Courtenay Parish Council wants to “co-opt” a new councillor. 

Co-option means the council can choose whom it wants instead of voters. 

Anyone wanting to join must be at least 18 years old and a British, eligible Commonwealth or EU citizen. 

There are also other necessary qualifications, such as living or working in the parish area. 

If you want to apply for the role, you should submit an expression of interest in writing by email to Parish Clerk Malcolm Harris at [email protected] by 5pm on Wednesday, June 19 for consideration at the parish council meeting on Wednesday, June 26. 

You should outline your reasons for wishing to be a parish councillor, list any previous and relevant community or council work and mention skills that may be brought to Sampford Courtenay Parish Council. 

Further details about being a councillor can be obtained from the clerk on request.