THERE are many interesting items on the agenda for the January 9 meeting of Sandford Parish Council, which will take place in Sandford Parish Hall, beginning at 8pm.
One of the items for discussion is a proposal to declare The Lamb Inn as an “Asset of Community Value”.
An asset of community value is a building or piece of land that is used to further the social wellbeing or interests of the local community.
Voluntary and community organisations, parish councils, local neighbourhood planning forums and charities can nominate an asset to be included on their local authority's register of asset of community value.
If the nomination is accepted, local groups will be given time to come up with a bid for the asset if and when it is sold.
These provisions are also known as the "community right to bid".
Also on the agenda for the council meeting is a suggestion to turn The Lamb Inn into a “Community Pub”.
It was recently announced that The Lamb Inn had been for sale and was to be taken off the market pending discussions about plans for it to become a community pub.
The Lamb Inn recently said it was soon to only be open during evenings for drinks and that food would not be served.
The meeting will also discuss the news that the long-serving Parish Clerk, Malcolm Vallance, has tendered his resignation and will finish on March 26.
The meeting will also discuss the setting up of a Speedwatch Scheme and grants and donations to Citizens Advice, Mid Devon Transport and Sandford Football Club.
There will be a Review of the Sandford Emergency Plan and a discussion about dog mess problems in the parish.
Reports will be heard from committees and district and county councillors.
Planning items will be discussed.