SHOWING off what the village can offer, Tedburn St Mary Village Hall hosted an Open Day as a preliminary to its centenary in 2029, writes Sue Read.

For the village hall committee, Charles Pallot explained that the hall was built in 1929 on land given to Tedburn St Mary Parish Council.  That was when there was a national move to build communal spaces in villages.

Karen Fletcher and Malcolm Little of Tedburn History and Information Society.  SR 3480
(Sue Read)

One major change for the hall was in the 1960s and 1970s when it was extended and then the John Bromell Room was added in the 1980s.  

As part of its centenary project, the committee wanted to find out what people wanted of the hall and then to draw up a plan and raise funds, working towards an improved hall by 2029.

“Villagers and organisations were invited to comment on what they would like for the hall and any organisation could advertise what it does.

“Part of the plan is to improve accessibility in a broader sense so that even more people get to know what the hall can offer.  Then we can write a Centenary Development Plan and start fundraising,” said Charles.

This began with a quiz in May and the Open Day, although that was less fundraising than people getting together.

The project will be managed by the Village Hall Committee through its new Sub Committee, the Centenary Project Steering Group.

Hall committee chairman, Margaret Jones said the day had been beyond their expectations and a huge success. “We wanted to know reasons if people do not use the hall. 

“It was a lovely networking day with nearly all the groups in the village being involved.”

Members of Tedburn WI donated all the cakes which were a total sell out.