NORTH Tawton's Memorial Park has been re-vamped following the installation of a range of new play equipment.

The first phase of the park redevelopment was unveiled at a party in the park, organised by North Tawton Park Regeneration Project supported by Okehampton Community Recreation Association (OCRA), North Tawton Youth Club, North Tawton Women's Institute and Andrew Shaw with a number of local musicians.

The new play equipment includes an assault course, a fully fenced off area for toddlers and their parents, a half-pipe for skateboarders and an eight-to-15-year-olds play area.

Nigel Davies and Mark Tooth, committee members, organised the celebration party to mark the completion of the first phase.

Nigel said that the opening day went well.

He added: The weather could have been better, but everyone turned up and we had a full park.

"The whole thing started many years ago, with youngsters in the town asking for such facilities, through the youth club.

"Originally they asked for a proper skate park, but their requests got the wheels in motion for the park's redevelopment.

"We're happy to have got the park development to this point, as it has taken many years to get here.

"It's thanks to the funding from the Big Lottery Fund that we've been able to really press forward.

"What has been really lovely is that I've spoken to parents and they've said lots more children are now using the park.

"One mother told me how, when she took their children to the park, she ran into another mother she hadn't seen in months, so it also adds a social side for parents too."

Funding for the project was given a big boost with a £100,000 grant from Community Spaces, a grants programme that is managed by Groundwork UK as an award partner to the Big Lottery Fund's Changing Spaces initiative.

The £57.5 million open grants programme helps community groups create or improve green and open spaces so that the quality of life in neighbourhoods across England is enhanced.

Other funding and assistance was provided by West Devon Borough Council and North Tawton Town Council (through the Durrant Trust) and local donations.

The main equipment was installed by Playline Design Ltd, with pathways laid by South West Highways Ltd.

Nigel added that further phases of works at the Memorial Park will include landscaping and levelling the playing surface on the football pitch later in the year.

Alan Quick