CAMPAIGNERS for better play equipment in Crediton's Newcombes Meadow play area will today, Friday, February 7, begin canvassing the public in the town about the type of new facilities they would like to see provided.

Some of the current facilities, namely the swings and slide, are older than anyone can remember and considerably rusty in places.

Mid Devon District Council, which owns the park, recently removed a play house which had become dangerous and, as is the current policy due to lack of funds, does not replace removed equipment from its play areas.

Newcombes Meadow Community Group say that most of the play equipment in Newcombes Meadow has reached or is reaching the end of its working life and is now dedicated to seeing it replaced and all the equipment replaced.

The group was formed in early 2013 and has been consulting with Mid Devon District Council and Crediton Town Council about its plans.

It is distributing consultation leaflets throughout Crediton, concentrating on local area schools, nurseries, children's groups, etc.

Information about the group's proposals and a copy of the leaflet is available to download from the website:"> .

Group member Ruth Preater-Gillard, said that once the forms have been returned, the information will be collated and the group will then have evidence to approach various councils for funding for the desired equipment.

Crediton Town Councillor Andi Wyer has been helping the group look at funding issues and he explained that he hoped to obtain grants and funding from other sources, including from Mid Devon District Council's Open Spaces budget, Section 106 funding from houses built in the area, the Locality Fund, Landfill Tax, Crediton Town Council, Mid Devon District Council and others.

Group member Hayley Rice said that she hoped, if all went to plan, that the new equipment could be in place for this summer.

The group would welcome financial donations towards the new equipment and further information is available on the website or email: [email protected]">[email protected] .

You can also find out information on Facebook at: improvenewcombesmeadow or on Twitter@newcombesmeadow .

Alan Quick