A NEW road safety course has been launched for children who walk to school on their own. 

Devon primary schools are being offered the chance to sign up for free two-hour “Walkability” sessions. 

Co-designed by teachers, children can learn a range of road safety rules and essentials, such as understanding road signs, how to use road crossings, finding safe places to cross and more. 

“This fantastic course is being offered to school children aged between 7 and 11, the age when many parents are starting to share knowledge on road safety awareness, before considering allowing their children to travel to school independently,” Devon County Council Cabinet Member for Highway Management Cllr Stuart Hughes said. 

“It integrates classroom learning with real-world experiences, giving children the tools to help them navigate their surroundings confidently and safely. 

“It’s been designed in such a way that support can be offered to a school when it is most needed, and it is available free to all primary schools across the Devon County Council area.” 

Parents will get letters about the Walkability training when schools book the training course. 

After completing the session, each child will be given an information booklet to take home. 

The programme is being offered to schools from this month. It is being delivered by Active Devon on behalf of Devon County Council and is being funded by Vision Zero South West, a local road safety partnership. 

Schools interested in the training should apply online by visiting: activedevon.org/walkability/