
I THOUGHT "Courier" readers might be interested in the letter I have sent to our MP about my concerns regarding the disposal of nuclear waste.

I am also concerned about: the cost of building a new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point, the detrimental effect on funding for renewable energy and the projected cost of electricity from such a plant.

In addition I have read that old nuclear power installations, especially one in Belgium, are becoming increasingly dangerous. We should put an end to this mad policy!

Mel Stride has replied to say that he is looking into the matter.

Here is my letter: "I would like to know how the Government plans to deal with the waste from new nuclear power stations? I ask this bearing in mind the situation at Sellafield and the fact that there will be a great deal more waste from nuclear power stations soon to reach the end of their useful life.

Perhaps you are not fully aware of the Sellafield situation – there are:

• Two 150m open air pools full of decaying spent fuel creating hundreds of tonnes of radioactive sludge.

• Two huge silos full of radioactive fuel packaging from the 1950s which is corroding and posing a constant risk of fire

• Radioactivity leaking from these buildings into the soil

• The world’s largest stockpile of plutonium in powder form, which could be used to make a ‘dirty bomb’ if accessed by terrorists (The Royal Society has declared this a severe security risk).

• Tanks containing liquid reprocessing waste which needs constant cooling to prevent it boiling and releasing radioactive materials into the air – the threat of a bigger disaster than Chernobyl. This waste should have been vitrified to make it safe, but money has still not been found for that.

Since the Government seems to be unable to deal with all this waste, is it not foolish to plan to create more nuclear power stations to create even more highly dangerous waste. Does the Government have any plans for this, or is it just aiming to leave that for our children and grandchildren to deal with?"

Linda Lever

Creedy View
