IF you have a story for the Crediton Courier, or have a general inquiry, don’t forget you can always pop into Crediton Library where Courier Editor Alan Quick and Reporter Will Goddard can be found at a Drop-In each Thursday from 2pm to 3pm.

Alan or Will will be also able to help if you want to place an advertisement in our printed issues or online.

The Library will also, kindly, accept small items of post for the Courier, whether it be letters, articles, posters, magazines etc.

Of course, for a quicker response, please do not hesitate to make contact by emailing: Alan Quick: [email protected] , Will Goddard: [email protected] , Sue Halsey: [email protected] , Sharon Avery: [email protected] , public notices: [email protected]  or for family announcements: [email protected] .  For subscriptions email: [email protected] .

To read up-to-date news, visit the website: www.creditoncourier.co.uk  or follow on Facebook and Twitter.

For further details, please telephone 01363 774263.