COLEBROOKE Women’s Institute President Valerie Pennington welcomed members to our March meeting, which was held at Colebrooke Village Hall.
Our speaker for the evening was David Munday of the Sandford Gate Milk Company, who spoke to us about life in the dairy industry.
He is a second-generation farmer. He told us how his parents started in farming in the 1950s.
Whilst his parents were still farming, David started with a small pig business. However, when his father stepped back from the business, David and his sister took on their parents’ farm, which was then a mixed farm.
David and his sister decided to concentrate on dairy farming, so they installed a new dairy unit.
The farm is now mainly run by David’s son Jack and two employees. The majority of their milk is sold to Arla.
David also told us how he came to install the milk vending machine at Mole Avon in Crediton, and also the flavoured milk vending machine at Mole Avon in Okehampton.
The WI’s next meeting is on April 8 and it will be our resolutions and annual meeting.
For more information, please telephone Andrea Armstrong on 01363 84198.