CHILDREN played a central role in the Nativity and Carol Service at St Matthew's Church at Coldridge on Sunday, December 22.

Children from the village performed a Living Nativity, the roles including Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, Kings and a star.

A young person acted as narrator and adults read the readings.

The Sunshine Singers sang "Little Drummer Boy" and Josh and the Festive Ukeleles played and led the singing for "Feliz Navidad".

The church was full for the service and it was beautifully decorated and candles lit each of the windows.

There was some spectacular festive lighting effects and a sound system was installed.

After the service, mulled wine, hot chocolate and festive food was served as part of the wonderful community event.
The parish church has been lit outside for the past few weeks thanks to local sponsorship which pays for the electricity.
The church looks like a festive beacon from its hilltop vantage point.