VOLUNTEERS from Crediton Library will be at the Crediton Food Festival on Saturday, June 10, to chat with people about the Reminiscence Project taking place at the library.

The Reminiscence Project is a joint initiative run by Crediton Library (devonlibraries.org.uk/web/arena/creditonlibrary) and the Folklore Library and Archive (folklorelibrary.com) to capture memories and stories about the lives of the diverse community of people living in the Crediton area.

A team of volunteers is available to chat with people willing to be interviewed in an informal one-to-one meeting, either at the library or in their own homes. These chats are recorded as audio files which are then made available to listen to online, and which will be transcribed for accessibility, building up a library of unique information about our past and the lives of those living here.

You don't have to have lived here for a long time to be interviewed, and volunteers will chat with people of many ages. 

Everyone has interesting stories to tell which unlock more knowledge about our past which would otherwise be lost. 

Chatting about your life is also excellent for keeping the brain active and helping with a healthy sense of wellbeing.

If you would like to know more, or be interviewed for the project, please contact Crediton Library on 01363 772578 or email: [email protected] .

To listen to past interviews or see other resources about local history, please visit: https://www.folklorelibrary.com/crediton-library.html .