WHILST it is laudable for some Town Councillors to want to help in the cleaning up of the town (“Courier” letter from Natalia Letch, May 16), the cleaning of the main thoroughfares is the responsibility of Mid Devon District Council.

Indeed it is a statutory duty of said Council (quote from their website "MDDC is responsible for street sweeping of all roads up to the 40mph limit and litter cleaning of all roads, except for the M5 and A30").

I am sure that there are many parts of the town which it would be unreasonable to expect MDDC to reach, but the High Street is clearly not one of them.

All four of the town's District Councillors also serve on the Town Council, as does Natalia.

Are they aware of the District Council's responsibilities regarding street cleanliness, and are they happy that MDDC is properly carrying out its statutory duties in this case?

It may be that putative volunteers are put off because they do not feel that they should do something when those paid to do it are falling down on the job. 

Bob Edwards

Former District and Town Councillor

