FOR over 40, and possibly 50 years, people in Crediton have been asking Devon County Council for a pedestrian operated traffic crossing at the west end of the High Street.

Sadly this has been refused on each occasion on cost grounds. 

It does beg the question why have traffic calming measures been put into what can only be described as the least used and possibly shortest through road in Crediton?

The pictures show what's recently been constructed across the very top of Pounds Hill, an already narrow section of road and one wonders how much this cost.

It isn't just one rumble strip either.

Even if it was put in at the expense of a developer using funds provided by them to secure planning consent, why has something unnecessary been done when we could have had a safe crossing at the west end of the High Street?

In relation to these works the County Council didn't even put the Road Closure onto its own website to advise that this work was being done.

When we next think about asking if we can have a pedestrian operated crossing at the west end of the High Street will know not to bother because the money has already been spent.

I suggest that to make the most of the work that's been done everybody includes the top of Pounds Hill in at least one walk this week.

David Cann
