I HAVE been reading the letters from other readers in the Courier regarding the situation in Gaza with interest, but do not wish to comment on the undeniably awful current situation.

However, I am the local Representative for the St John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem and the Occupied Palestinian authorities, and would like to let you know our situation there.

Whilst our medical staff are unable to use the Gaza Eye Hospital, due to collateral damage to the building, our staff continue to do what they can where they are.

Two nurses have been killed in the conflict.  The others have divided into four teams providing camps in different locations in the South, Middle and North of Gaza.

We are able to send medical equipment and medication through the Jordanian-Israeli Humanitarian corridor.

To support their work, I am organising, together with my neighbours, Mr and Mrs Keeble, two open gardens in Cheriton Fitzpaine on Saturday, August 24 from 2.30pm - 5pm.

Cream teas will be served at the Nunns' House.  Donations only.

Parking is available in the front yard of the Nunns’ House, and in nearby roads.

Mary Nunn

Cheriton Fitzpaine