I WONDER if you and others have some concerns about people’s lack of awareness when crossing the roads.

On more occasions than I wish to count I have watched people walk straight into the road without making any attempt to look (either on their phones with headphones on or with their minds on other things) or with the changes to the Highway Code where people have taken on the new priorities of pedestrian etc over cars etc but missed the last part of the document that states you are still accountable if you don’t take reasonable actions to protect yourself (by looking and listening for approaching cars, etc).

It will only be a matter of time before someone is critically injured or killed and it will be the fault of the driver (But was it?).

As you know I was once an emergency medic in this town, (33 years) and I know the pain and anguish caused to all concerned by such an incident.

I know each of the incidents I attended in my long career tore part of my humanity and my heart from me in the giving and caring process of that job with very little acknowledgment expected or given.

That is the Job.

Would you take up the gauntlet to raise people’s awareness as to the dangers of not taking due care of themselves on the roads?


Dave Archer
