I AM in full agreement with Richard Adams's letter (“Courier”, August 15) regarding the "masterplan" for Crediton.

These computer-generated images (of the High Street) can be very alluring, but misleading at the same time.

The CGI scheme, or something similar, MIGHT have been possible had we been given a full bypass, as promised for many years.

We didn't get one, and will not now, though the Link Road has relieved a lot of pressure and has been, I think, a considerable success.

If this scheme, or similar, was carried out, Crediton High Street would become one great snarl-up for most of the day (and night).

Don't forget, we've recently had a kerfuffle re the installation parking meters, and that plan was sensibly dropped by the County Council.

The aim should be to allow traffic to flow as freely as possible through town, at the same time allowing as much short-term parking as possible.

Environmental enhancements are welcome, but secondary - AND need regular maintenance.

One further thing; the final decisions re enhancements should be taken by Town Councillors and LOCAL District Councillors only, and not by Councillors from the other side of Tiverton! 

Bob Edwards

Former District and Town councillor

