Letter: Applaud Exeter Council's plant-based catering decision

I APPLAUD Exeter City Council's decision to move to plant-based catering, (British Farmers' Union hope to resolve Exeter Council's proposed meat ban - "Courier", March 9).

I hope that they will hold their nerve, despite this pressure, and that Crediton's churches and organisations will do the same.

I recommend, "Food and Climate Change, without the hot air - Change your diet, the easiest way to help save the planet", by S.L. Bridle.

Calmly and clearly, without overloading the guilt, the author demonstrates choices in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from food, to help generations to come.

Having been vegetarian since the Ethiopian famine of 1984, now, with grandchildren aged two and one, Gerald and I are vegan, for Lent.

Laura Conyngham

Old Tiverton Road


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