A TRUE story of heartbreak and heroism in 1841 entitled: "Catastrophe at Hayne Bridge and William Bibbings", will be the Bow and District Historical Society talk by Erica Eden on Monday, April 24.

Erica, the informal archivist for Zeal Monachorum, the scene of the story, said: "This catastrophe at Hayne Bridge has been passed down by word of mouth through generations and I was told about it by someone who has always lived in Zeal.

"Some years ago a descendant of William Bibbings, one of those involved, provided more information and this piqued my interest to research it further leading to this talk.

"As well as the dramatic incident itself, I will expand on William's life which might be considered by some to be that of an ordinary working man but to me is extraordinary." 

The meeting at Bow Village Hall (EX17 6HU) is free to members of the Society and £4 for visitors, including light refreshments.

The time is 7.15pm for 7.30pm and more details are available on 01363 82468.