CREDITON Methodist Church celebrated the Harvest Festival with a service led by Jeanette Richardson entitled “Harvest of Talents”.

The challenge was to show what gifts and talents God has given us.

One person showed photographs of food she had made. Another showed a photograph of a tree she enjoyed looking at and spending time enjoying the seasons.

We saw a beautiful flower arrangement someone had made.

Another person submitted a photograph he had taken explaining that his hobby was photography.

On Easter Sunday several people offered to take part in a Talents Scheme to raise money for the church. During the Harvest those people presented the £1,200 they had raised through making various food, jams, preserves, growing plants, knitting and photographs.

One lady sold flowers she had made from icing and someone had done laundry. Another person had offered rides in her electric car and given advice on reducing energy usage.

One lady cleaned at least 500 spots from the church carpet sponsored at 10 pence per spot.

Others sold lavender bags, greetings cards and knitted items.

Jeanette said we had thought about talents and gifts that are present in our congregation. She then suggested to look at some talents of three people in scripture, namely David, Paul and Jesus.

She added that we come to think and reflect of the gifts Jesus had. Jeanette said she had started to make a list of the things about Jesus, but there was too much - yet not enough.

Jesus was the light of the world and he was good at teaching, healing and praying.

We saw an image called “Helping Hands” which seemed to say it all - Jesus reaches out to anyone who is struggling - reaching out so that we may be made whole and at one with the God who loves us, created us and sustains us.

We will reach out to those who are struggling with the cost of living crisis by giving the food and produce brought for our Harvest Festival to Crediton Foodbank.

Following the Harvest Service more than 30 people sat down to a delicious home-cooked lunch.

Bronwyn Nott