THE Rotary Club of Crediton Boniface welcomed its new President at its meeting at the Red Lion, Shobrooke on Tuesday, July 2.

The Rotary Year runs from July 1 to June 30 and each President serves for only one year.

The outgoing President, Garry Adams, passed the Chain of Office, which includes 31 names of past Presidents, to Vice President Fred Oliver who in turn passed his Vice President’s chain to the new Vice President Jane Brimacombe.

Many people will know Jane from her work at the Lords Meadow Leisure Centre swimming pool.

The past year has been a very successful one for Rotary and £16,000 has been raised and distributed to more than a dozen local charities as well as to the international charity ShelterBox.

The evening was very convivial and Garry was warmly congratulated by all the Rotarians present on his successful year.

A warm welcome was extended to the new President and Vice President.