A POP-UP photographic exhibition by a former press photographer can be seen in Chagford from August 13 to 17.

Examples of 45 years of work by the news photographer Stuart Clarke who covered news events here in the UK and internationally can be seen in the exhibition at 10 The High Street, Chagford, from 10.30am to 4pm each day.

Copyright: Stuart Clarke (Stuart Clarke)

The exhibition will feature portraits as well as conflicts in the Middle East and Africa.

Stuart, who has recently retired, worked for many national and international newspapers and magazines, including The Sunday Times, The Daily Mail, Esquire, The Australian and The New York Post.

Copyright: Stuart Clarke (Stuart Clarke)

He covered the elections of Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair and the first free election in South Africa in 1994 when Nelson Mandela became president and where he found Mandela’s jailer of many years which became a book and a Hollywood film.

Stuart spent six weeks in Baghdad during the last Gulf War in 2003 and witnessed the daily bombing “Shock an Awe” and the invasion and overthrow of Saddam Hussien.

Stuart moved to Dartmoor some years ago and launched The Moorlander newspaper.