A TOTAL of 76 Primestock exhibitors, 151 cattle, 117 sheep, 37 entries to the steak, sausage and burger competition and 32 trade stands – figures that prove, according to Agrifest Chair, Deborah Custance Baker, that Agrifest South West is the biggest Primestock Show in the South West of England.

A one-day event, which took place on Wednesday, November 6, Agrifest was delighted to crown the following primestock as Champions of their individual categories:
• Baby Beef championship won by P and L Calcraft’s Limousin x heifer Toffee.
• Supreme Pedigree Calf Championship won by Mr and Mrs Alford with their Charolais, Foxhillfarm Victorious (They also took home Reserve Champion with their Aberdeen Angus, Foxhill Princess Caroline).

• Young Bull of the Year Championship won by Arradfoot and Newland Pedigree Livestock with their British Limousin Arradfoot Ultimate.
• Mr Robert Garth and Sarah Priestly retained their title of Supreme Champion with a Texel Pair of Lambs. Not only did the pair claim supreme title—they also took home Champion Pure Bred Continental Pair and Overall Champion Pure Bred Pair of Lambs.
• Supreme Champion Primestock Championship won by Mr and Mrs Alford with The Mistress.
Agrifest was delighted to welcome John Acres from BBC Radio Devon’s breakfast show to judge the overall champion in the annual steak, burger, sausage and ready to eat competition.
After much tasting and deliberation, John judged the Black and Blue Burger - a beef burger infused with blue cheese and rimmed with black pepper, created by Helen May at Exe Valley Farmshop, the clear winner.

Commenting on the winning burger, John said: “Though I’m not normally a big fan of blue cheese it gives this burger a delicious richness and sweetness that singled it out from the crowd.”
Deborah also commented: “This year’s event showcased the crème de la crème of primestock for both cattle and sheep. We have already had great feedback from our expert judges who were greatly impressed with the standard of entries this year.

“There was a real buzz in the air and a great atmosphere prevailed, despite the well-publicised struggles facing our farming community.
“A 10-year-old handler winning the young farmers class with her own cow is testament to the fact that the next generation is already committed to continuing the hard work of generations of South West farmers, producing the exceptional, high-quality food we all need and love”.