A FAMILY Dog Show will be held at Sampford Courtenay Village Hall on Saturday, May 20, at 1.30pm with judging at 2pm.
Every dog is welcome big, small, pedigree or pooch.
Entry on the day is £1 per class - you can enter as many classes as you wish.
Refreshments and cake will be available.
A raffle will be held (donations of cakes and raffle prizes are welcome.)
Classes include: Most Handsome Dog/Bitch, Best Rescue, Best Veteran (over seven years), Scuffiest Fluffiest, Best Junior Handler, Waggiest Tail, Best Sausage Catcher, Best Trick, Dog the Judge would most like to take home and Overall Champion.
All proceeds will go to Sampford Courtenay Village Hall.
For more information telephone Mike or Julie on 07973 271923 or 07866 605184.