WOODEN planters from an axed Exeter traffic experiment are set to be removed. 

Temporary traffic filters will be taken away from Hamlin Lane, Vaughan Road and Whipton Lane on Monday, July 1 after the Heavitree and Whipton “Active Streets” trial was axed on June 3. 

Planters in Ladysmith Road and St Marks Avenue will stay until the end of the school summer term, Friday, July 26. 

The Active Streets trial, which began in August last year, had been designed to stop through-traffic in a bid to cut pollution and make roads safer. 

But a committee of Devon County councillors and members of Exeter City Council voted to end the trial early amid huge public protests. 

“We’re fully committed to further engagement to identify ways of encouraging increased walking, cycling and wheeling in Heavitree and Whipton, while allowing residents to get to where they need to go,” a Devon County Council spokesperson said. 

“To aid this process we will now focus on other elements of the recent [committee] decision to hold discussions with all schools in the trial area, disabled blue badge holders and representatives of people with protected characteristics (including disabled people, older people and carers) for more detailed feedback on the impact of the scheme.  

“Focus groups will also be organised with community leaders and residents in the autumn, with officers preparing for these meetings over the summer.”