I RECENTLY received a quarterly bulletin from the NHS which has some encouraging news.

The RD and E Hospital in Exeter has undertaken a major review of its Accident and Emergency resources.

It says that this will improve times for those attending but insists that it is still an A and E Department and should not be used by those who can easily contact the telephone 111 service, use their local GP's surgery or a community pharmacy where they can get help and advice on simple health issues. 

There is also a plan to set up a specific children's A and E department in the hospital.

From January 2023 the RD and E was part of a pilot project using a blood test to detect early signs of lung cancer.

The scheme was so successful it is now being used Devon wide!

The local hospital in Tiverton is soon to have an endoscopy suite which will mean that patients in the Mid Devon area will have this important service closer to home.

I attended a children's scrutiny committee meeting where we discussed a wide range of topics.

There is some progress towards the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) overspend but it remains a major challenge.

We now have fewer agency staff which means a cost reduction and the 14 authorities in the South West are joining together in reducing the pay offered to agency workers.  Fortunately the trade unions are on board.

The number of children in the county's care has reduced from 906 to 877 and represents 66 per 100,000, which is slightly higher than the national average of 62 but moving in the right direction.

The county is making a big push for more foster carers so that we can offer placements to our children nearer to home and in a family environment. 

One piece of less pleasing news is that we still have 17 unregistered, therefore unlawful accommodation placements but work is being undertaken to reduce this soon to five and I presume eventually to zero!

Last Thursday, May 23, we had the County Council full council meeting which is the beginning of the new civic year.

That means a new leader and deputy leader and new chairman.

Amongst other things I was elected the chairman of the Corporate Infrastructure and Regulatory Services scrutiny committee!

It is quite a mouthful because it oversees everything the council does except children's services, health and adult care.

I'm very excited at the thought of being able to look at so many areas of council activity.

We have had one meeting and have already put in place a spotlight preview on potholes!

It'll take all day and we will be questioning the highways officers to see where we have been and where we are going with potholes.

We also look at the budget on a regular basis and I'm hoping to look into communication and in particular Air Band, which we know, in the rural areas in particular, is rather patchy.

County Councillor Frank Letch MBE

(Crediton Rural)