SANDFORD Parish Hall has finally completed its first stage of going green by installing an array of 10.5kw solar photo voltaic panels together with a 10kw battery storage system.

Last Summer, due to the fact that its electricity contract was ending in January 2023, Sandford Parish Hall Committee decided to press ahead with a solar panel and battery storage system.

This was not just to offset the high electricity charges but to also promote the hall’s green ethics for a cleaner and reduced carbon future. 

Mike Snow, from Sandford Parish Council explained: “As we received quotes we clearly needed some funding to reach our goal.

“In August 2022 the chairman applied to the National Lottery Community Fund for £9,000 to help pay for half of the cost and in October we received the fantastic news that the National Lottery Community Fund were to support our project and grant us the £9,000.

“This total was boosted with £500 from the Amory Trust and £250 from Sandford Parish Council.

“The system was fitted in late February and has been working well since with April, May and June bills costing £90 in total, of which £30 was the standing charge.

“We would like to express our huge thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund for its support in our greener future project.

“Without this it would not have been feasible for the Parish Hall.”

Mr Snow said that the hall is due to have an export meter fitted so that it can then sell any spare electricity back to the grid.

He confirmed that the sale price is “a measly rate of around 6p/kw, but it all helps”.

Mr Snow confirmed said its aim going forward is to reduce, if not replace, the hall’s oil boiler for heating with heat pumps.

He added: “This will work much more efficiently than the oil and electric heaters we have at present, especially when combined with the solar system.

“We look forward to this and to providing an energy and carbon reduced community hall for Sandford Parish.

“We also hope that the National Lottery Community Fund will support us in our next stage of the project! Watch this space.”