EIGHT-year-old Lottie Broughton is the latest winner of the Mayor of West Devon’s Young Person Green Award for her litter picking efforts across her home town of Chagford.
Lottie, who takes part in many litter picks, was nominated by Proper Job Resource Centre, a local charity who run regular environmental community events.
Kate Webber of Proper Job said: “Lottie has attended every one of Proper Job and Plastic Free Chagford’s community litter picks.
“Come rain or shine Lottie is always full of enthusiasm and clearly has a real love for the environment and her community. Well done, Lottie we are very proud of you, keep up the great work!”
Last month, The Mayor of West Devon, Cllr Lynn Daniel, presented Lottie with her certificate and two environmental books at Chagford Primary School.
Lottie said: “I feel very proud to have won the award. It's very important to litter pick to look after our environment and nature.
“I really enjoy going litter picking with my family and we have a competition on who can get the most, it's usually me!”
Cllr Lynn Daniel said: “This is another fantastic example of young people showing real passion for protecting the environment.
“We can all do our bit and getting involved in local events such as litter picking is a great place to start. Brilliant work Lottie!”
If you know a young person, primary school class or youth group who, like Lottie are doing great things for the environment, please nominate them by emailing: cllr.lynn.daniel@westdevon.gov.uk .
You need to include:
• A short summary (up to 150 words) about the work they are doing to support the environment.
• Photographs, if available.
• Permissions to use photographs from parent/guardians are required for marketing purposes.