Coming Events in the Crediton Area


12.30pm to 2pm - Soup and Stories at The Bookery, all welcome, no charge, free soup and stories to enjoy.

7.30pm - Eyes down for Sandford Parish Hall Meat Bingo, doors open 6.30pm, Sandford Parish Hall, for hall funds.

7.30pm - Lady Misery, part of CAC Music Festival, Crediton Parish Church.


10am to 1pm - Crediton Farmers’ Market, Town Square.

10am to 12 noon - St Andrew’s Bellringers Coffee Morning, Sampford Courtenay Church Rooms, refreshments, draw, veg and produce stalls.

11.30am - 15th Yeofest, Yeoford Community Hall, 17 real ales, ciders, food and live music throughout the day. Entry £3. All proceeds to Yeoford Hall and Recreation Ground.

4pm - 80th Anniversary of the Rev W Awdry’s Railway Series featuring Thomas the Tank Engine, illustrated talk with Veronica Chambers - Free; 7pm - Exeter Railway Band concert (£10 – children free); Sunday, March 16: 2pm - “Thomas Celebration” with tracks, trains, model of Rocket Steam Engine, books, story-telling and memorabilia with Crediton Library - FREE; 4pm - Children to judge “Thomas” celebration cake competition! NEW VENUE: Newton St Cyres Parish Hall.

12 noon to 2pm - History and Politics Book Group at The Bookery, open to all to join.

6.30pm - Bar opens for Cheriton Fizpaine Community Shop Fundraising Barn Dance with Hips and Haws, Parish Hall, music from 7.30pm, beginners welcome, tickets in the shop or from Lyn (07796 017057) £10 adults, under 16s free, food tickets available (pre-order only) £5 per person or £3 child portion, jacket potato with beef chilli, veg chill (vegan) or baked beans (vegetarian) with or without cheese.

7.30pm - Blackheart Orchestra, part of CAC Music Festival, Crediton Arts Centre.


10.30am - Held Together Service, Boniface Centre, short service followed by tea, coffee, cake, chat and fellowship. Organised by Caroline Elliott and Eileen Brassington who are Anna Chaplains. The service is aimed at older people and their carers, but all are very welcome.


3.30pm - Michael Hartland, Afternoon Author poetry event at The Bookery, free, no booking required.


10am to 11am - Crediton and District U3A, Illustrated talk on Italian cooking in the Middle Ages, by retired headmaster Richard Haigh, Entry costs £2 and includes tea or coffee and biscuits.

7pm - Film, Food for Thought, Crediton Methodist Church, suggested donation £4.


6pm to 9pm - Crediton Branch of the Royal British Legion Gathering, Crediton Rugby Club, Bar (Cash/Card), Light refreshments provided, Raffle and Quiz.

7pm - Author Marianne Brown in conversation with Lisa Schneidau at The Bookery. Tickets £4 redeemable against copy of Shetland Way available at: .


7.30pm - Dartmoor Folk Festival AGM, The King’s Arms, South Zeal, all welcome.


9.30am to 1pm - Crediton Town Council and Sustainable Crediton Consultation, The Vision for land south of Barnfield, Boniface Centre.

10am to 1pm - Busk It, Crediton High Street and Town Square, free, donations welcome.

2.30pm - Spring Flower and Homecraft Show opens to public, Zeal Monachorum Village Hall. Admission £1, children free. Entries to Hall between 10am and12 noon. Enquiries, schedule and rules 01363 82606 or email: [email protected] .

7.30pm - Crediton Youth Orchestra, Rising Stars, Crediton Congregational church, tickets various prices.


3pm to 4.30pm - Copplestone Spring Clean and Litter Pick, with free bacon rolls, drinks and cakes afterwards for all the volunteers.


7.15pm - for 7.30pm, Bow and District Historical Society talk about local history by author Robert Hesketh. All are welcome-free to members, £4 on the night for visitors. Tea/coffee included.


7pm - Crediton Garden Club talk on Soils and Plants, Crediton Library, visitors £3, free to members.


7pm to 9pm - Open Mic Storytelling at the Bookery. Tickets £5 booked at: .


7.30pm - Exeter Opera Company present Orfeo ed Euridice, Crediton Arts Centre, tickets £12 or £10.


10.30am - Going for a Sing, Boniface Centre.

7.30pm - Fur Choirs Concert, Crediton Methodist Church, tickets various prices.


7pm - for 7.30pm start, Quiz Night, Victory Hall, Lapford, teams of six, £8 per person, sausage roll, wedges and cakes, take own alcohol, soft drinks to buy, entries by March 24 to [email protected] or 01363 83763. Proceeds to support 2025 Lapford Revel.

7pm - for 7.30pm, Stan Hacking Concert, Crediton Congregational Church, £10 to include light refreshments, in aid of ELF, To reserve tickets please text Karen on 07970 969846 or at .

7.30pm - Ashley Hutchings and Blair Dunlop, part of CAC Music Festival, Crediton Parish Church.

If you have a forthcoming event, please email: [email protected] .