A GRAND total of 93 people enjoyed a lovely cooked breakfast at Coldridge as part of The Great Devon Breakfast in aid of FORCE Cancer Charity on March 16.

Local councillors Frank and Natalia Letch, left and right, congratulated Kate Fitch on a successful event in aid of FORCE.  AQ 8025
Local councillors Frank and Natalia Letch, left and right, congratulated Kate Fitch on a successful event in aid of FORCE. AQ 8025 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

The organiser, Kate Fitch, was ably assisted by an army of volunteers from the Coldridge Cafe.

From 9.30am to 12.30pm they cooked and served full English Breakfasts or Bacon or Sausage sandwiches, a steady stream of visitors throughout.

A busy hall for the breakfast at Coldridge.  AQ 8014
A busy hall for the breakfast at Coldridge. AQ 8014 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

There was a breakfast raffle and Kate was proud to report that she was able to present £945 to FORCE.

She said: “Very proud of an amazing team and warm community spirit.”

A great English breakfast enjoyed at Coldridge in aid of FORCE.  AQ 8018
A great English breakfast enjoyed at Coldridge in aid of FORCE. AQ 8018 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

In addition, local residents can look forward to Breakfast in Coldridge, again at Coldridge Village Hall, from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Saturday, May 4.

This is being organised by Coldridge WI as part of its 70th birthday celebration year.

Some of those who enjoyed a breakfast at Coldridge.  AQ 8022
Some of those who enjoyed a breakfast at Coldridge. AQ 8022 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

A full English Breakfast is £9 with smaller breakfasts or extra portions and Sausage and Bacon sandwiches also available. 

All are invited to attend.

Maureen Harris enjoyed a breakfast at Coldridge.  AQ 8016
Maureen Harris enjoyed a breakfast at Coldridge. AQ 8016 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)