THE Boniface Link Association is arranging an evening in the Boniface Centre on Thursday, January 23 at 7.30pm when Tony Gale will be giving a talk on the Prayer Book Rebellion.

Tony has already given tours of the town on this subject last summer and will expand on his research.

Jim Causley is a well know local singer and will be entertaining the Association members and guests with his music before departing on a nationwide tour.

Tickets are priced at £8 and will include tea, coffee, cheese and biscuits. A bar will also be available.

Tickets from Jonathan Berg on 01363 866888 or Ted Staite on 01363 774929.

The Boniface Centre can be found on Church Lane in Crediton. There are free car parking spaces at the rear of Crediton Parish Church.

The Prayer Book Rebellion was an uprising in Devon and Cornwall in 1549 over the introduction of the Book of Common Prayer.