THE White Room Creative Space in Crediton will be opening its doors from 10am ti 5pm every day between Saturday, September 7 to Sunday, September 22nd, for this year’s Devon Open Studios exhibition when 14 artists and makers working in a range of media will be showcasing their work.

Forever Green by Belinda Reynell.
Forever Green by Belinda Reynell. (Belinda Reynell)

Bindy who set up and runs The White Room Creative Space says: “We have a fantastic line up this year, and we are looking forward to welcoming visitors. 

“This is our fourth year of taking part, and the gallery space, rooms, as well as the hub seating area will be filled with a wide and varied display of work, including painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking, paper mache, ceramics, textiles, wood and basketry. 

“This year’s artists include Belinda Reynell, Esme Cooper, Gilly Haysom, Jane Welsh, Jess Davies, Joanne Roper, Laurel Keeley, Liese Webley, Owen Williams, Patrick Leach, Paul McCullough, Ruth Oakley, Sarah Holder and Steve Symes.

Lampshades by Esme Cooper.
Lampshades by Esme Cooper. (Esme Cooper)

“All are Devon based and members of Devon Artist Network.

“They include members of Westcountry Potters Association and MAKESouthwest, and exhibit and sell their work at fairs and festivals, and in galleries across Devon, the Southwest, UK and internationally. 

Cosy cup and jug
Lovely pottery by Gilly Haysom. (Gilly Haysom)

“Last year around 700 people visited The White Room during the fortnight of Devon Open Studios.

“This included locals as well as visitors to Devon, some coming just to have a look and enjoy the artwork, maybe going away with a few cards or a small print or piece of pottery, others coming on a mission to find a wonderful piece of artwork. I hope that the variety of work again this year will mean there is something for everyone.

“As well as presenting a varied and well curated exhibition, we promise a warm welcome for everyone. We hope that people will pop in even if not intending to buy, and it is a wonderful opportunity to meet the artists.

A linoprint called Sparrows by Jo Roper.
A linoprint called Sparrows by Jo Roper. (Jo Roper)

“Having a group exhibition certainly draws visitors in, but we also encourage them to look at other participating studios nearby and to make a day of it enjoying the art and crafts as well as everything else that the town of Crediton has to offer.”

The White Room Creative Space, is on Commonmarsh Lane on Lords Meadow Industrial Estate, venue MD16 in the brochure.

It has level access, is wheelchair and pushchair friendly with an accessible toilet and baby changing facilities, a seating area with refreshments on offer, some parking and roadside parking.

A stoneware form bowl by Laurel Keeley.
A stoneware form bowl by Laurel Keeley. (Laurel Keeley)

For more information contact 07422 712894, email: [email protected] and follow on Facebook and Instagram. 

The Devon Open Studios colourful printed brochure is also available online. Visit: .