AN open-air double-bill of Shakespeare plays is coming up at Lapford Mill. 

Four Forty Theatre will perform Twelfth Night and A Midsummer Night’s Dream in one night on Friday, August 23 from 7pm. 

Each play will last around forty minutes and feature just four actors. 

“Experience the hilarity of two of the Bard’s best comedies condensed into short, side-splitting shows,” a spokesperson said. 

“In a mere 40 minutes each, they distill the essence of Shakespeare's masterpieces into uproarious performances.  

“Prepare for an unforgettable night of laughter and with a British seaside twist!” 

Attendees should bring low-back seating or blankets as no seating will be provided. An area for people on blankets will be reserved at the front. 

There will be hot and cold food available as well as a bar. The total runtime is two hours including a 20-minute interval.