STAFF and pupils at Landscore Primary School are delighted with their recent Ofsted report which has rated the school as "Good".

Since acting headteacher Andy Smith took the helm the school has maintained a good quality of education.

The report states: "You took up your role as acting headteacher in September 2016, as did the acting deputy headteacher, Linda Williamson.”

"Nevertheless, you both bring to your new posts a wealth of experience and understanding of the school and its context, having been part of the senior leadership prior to stepping up to your current positions.

"You are working well as a team, together with the rest of the staff, to ensure that Landscore Primary School is a thriving learning community in which all pull together for the benefit of pupils’ education.”

Landscore Primary School’s governing body and its leaders have recently overseen an expansion programme in both pupil numbers and premises and the report says: "A high-quality early years building has recently been opened and further developments are currently underway.”

"The new early years building provides children with a range of indoor and outdoor opportunities to learn and there are plans to enhance this further.

"At the time of the last inspection it was noted that children get off to a ‘flying start’ in the early years, and this remains the case.

"The leader of the early years has a very good understanding of the strengths and areas for development in this part of the school’s work.

"This enables her and other leaders to have very focused and precise targets for improvement, such as improving the writing of summer-born boys in the early years.

"She has established very productive relationships with the local pre-schools and has been working effectively with them to improve children’s readiness for the requirements of the Reception Year."

The report also highlighted how pleased parents were with the school.

"In their comments in the online survey, Parent View, many speak of the school as ‘wonderful’ or ‘fantastic’, with a number remarking on the ‘positive atmosphere’ it creates.

"They particularly value the work that the school does to help pupils who need to catch up or who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.

"Parents clearly see the school as a central and important feature of the local community.

With regard to safeguarding the report states: "School leaders, including governors, have successfully established a culture of safeguarding in the school.

"Staff have a very good knowledge of the pupils in their care and are particularly vigilant to spot any child who might be at risk from harm.

"The key concept of ‘early help’ is built into the school’s safeguarding and child protection work."

The visit was the first short inspection carried out since Landscore Primary School was judged to be "Good" in December 2011 and the report stated: "The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection."

Mr Smith was delighted with the report and added: "The report reflects the hard work and commitment of the staff and children at Landscore.

"We are very proud of our school and of our achievements in making Landscore a fantastic place to learn.

"The report highlights the many strengths that the school has and we are in an excellent position to continue moving forward."