RUPERT Poole has announced he is stepping down at Christmas as Principal of Queen Elizabeth’s School in Crediton after 25 years at the school.

Rupert started his career as a teacher of Humanities and then held a variety of leadership roles before becoming Principal in 2014.

He said: “When to leave a job you love is never an easy decision but, after our successful Ofsted inspection in May, followed by an excellent set of exam results this summer, I feel the time is now right.”

QE joined the Ted Wragg Trust in February 2021 and Trust CEO Moira Marder said: “Rupert is well-respected and his contributions have left the school in a position in which it can go from strength-to-strength.”

Rupert went on to say: “I would like to thank all the wonderful students, parents and carers, as well as the staff at QE, it has been an absolute pleasure working with you.

“QE, Crediton, and the surrounding villages are special and unique, it has been a brilliant place to work and community to serve.

“I would also like to thank, and pay tribute to, all the Governors who I have worked with throughout my time at QE, first as a teacher governor myself and then in the leadership roles I have had – they give their time freely to a difficult, demanding but very important role.”


Queen Elizabeth’s is a school with a rich and proud history stretching back more than 460 years.

It is a large school with around 1,300 students, nearly 200 of whom are in the Sixth Form.

Despite its size, it is known for its friendly and approachable atmosphere.

It has two separate sites, or campuses. The Barnfield campus, with its beautiful grounds and views right across the hills to Dartmoor, houses Years 7 and 8 away from the rest of the school and allows the younger students to thrive.

The Western Road site houses Years 9, 10 and 11 and includes College House, which is the Sixth Form centre.


Ted Wragg Trust is an ambitious and inclusive Trust of schools strengthening its communities through excellent education.

It consists of 13 schools: Isca Academy, St James’ School, West Exe School, St Luke’s Church of England School, Cranbrook Education Campus, Exwick Heights Primary, Whipton Barton Federation, Queen Elizabeth’s School, Crediton, and the Plymouth-based Marine Academy primary and secondary schools, All Saints Academy and Lipson Co-operative Academy.