AT Copplestone Primary School World Book Week was celebrated in a variety of ways.

The whole school and Pre-School looked at the book "Mixed" by Arree Chung, which celebrates individual differences and talents and has an inspiring message about understanding, acceptance and peaceful co-existence. 

Teachers planned lots of different activities based on the messages of the book.

There was also a Story Spoon Competition where pupils were given a wooden spoon and created their own story spoon character.

The entries were all said to be "fabulous!".

On Wednesday, March 1, a "Break the Rules Day" was held.

Children could choose to wear their own clothes, have crazy hair, wear nail polish and fancy footwear and take in a snack of their choice.  Rule breakers donated £1 for each rule that was broken, with money raised going towards buying new books for the school library.

A World Book Day special lunch included Gruffalo Sausages, Hungry Caterpillar Pasta and Charlie's Chocolate Factory pudding!

The school hosted a lovely visit from The Bookery who talked about their Top Titles for 2023 and read extracts to the children encouraging them to try new authors.

On Friday, March 3 there was a dressing up day where children went to school dressed in clothes that represented a word.

Morrisons in Crediton donated some of the prizes for the Story Spoon Competition.