DEVON and Cornwall Police employs no senior black or minority ethnic (BME) officers, new figures reveal.

Home Office data shows that in March this year, there were no BME police officers employed by the force, who were of the rank of chief inspector or higher. The highest ranking BME officer was an inspector.

In total Devon and Cornwall Police employs the equivalent of 36 full-time BME officers – 29 men and seven women.

They make up 1.2 per cent of the total number of police officers.

BME people make up 2.5 per cent of Devon and Cornwall’s total population, which is slightly more than the proportion of BME officers.

The Lammy Review, an investigation by MP David Lammy into the treatment of BME people in the criminal justice system, found that black and ethnic minority people often do not like engaging with the police as they do not feel represented.

The review says that increasing the visibility of BME people within policing is fundamental to ensuring justice.

Ian Saunders, chairman of the Police Federation’s equality sub-committee said: “It is vital that the police service reflects the communities we serve to ensure we are able to police as effectively as possible.

“The Police Federation supports efforts to increase diversity, raise awareness and promote best practice about the issue.

“And we recognise that although there may be barriers to recruiting officers from BME backgrounds, more must be done to attract but also retain these officers and to positively support their career development to ensure that we are a service that is truly reflective of our communities.”

Across England and Wales, police forces have a disproportionate number of white officers.

More diverse parts of the country have fewer BME officers compared with the size of the black and ethnic minority population.

The Home Office data shows that out of Devon and Cornwall Police’s full time BME officers, 21 are mixed race. There are six black officers and four are Asian. The rest are from other ethnic minorities.

The figures show that the force is getting more representative. There were three per cent more BME officers employed this year, compared with March 2017.