STAFF at Queen Elizabeth’s School in Crediton, or QE as it is often affectionately known, are delighted to share news of their recent Ofsted inspection, which judged the school to be “Good” in all areas, including the well regarded Sixth Form.

Commenting on the report, Principal Rupert Poole said: “Inspectors gained a very good understanding of the significant strengths of our unique school.

“I am very proud of the report, but if you were to ask me to highlight just one comment, it would be that our values were recognised, especially that of respect.”

Rupert went on to say that the report gave a “very good insight into what it is like to attend QE, with the comments about the focused atmosphere in lessons and the effective pastoral care provided by staff”.

Commenting on the areas for improvement identified in the report Rupert said: “The inspection team worked professionally and constructively with us. We recognise the areas for improvement that were identified.

“We will continue to work hard with all students to make sure we close any gaps in their knowledge. We will continue to focus strongly on improving literacy in particular supporting students who find reading especially challenging.

“This report is a huge credit to all members of the school community. Our students have been remarkable, and I know I have said it before, but I could not be more proud of the way QE students have risen to the challenge of the last few years. This report is testament to their resilience and good natured determination.

“Our staff have been equally phenomenal. They have worked exceptionally hard, with one objective in mind, to empower our students through the education they receive here at QE.”

Mr Poole went on to say: “QE joined the Ted Wragg Trust in February 2021 and, as mentioned in the report, the support of the Trust has been significant.” Rupert also thanked the QE Local Governing Board, commenting on “their hard work and determination to drive improvements in the school over recent years – and all on a voluntary basis”.

Moira Marder, Chief Executive Officer of the Ted Wragg Trust, said: “This outcome is deserved recognition for the hard work and ambition Queen Elizabeth’s has for its superb staff and pupils.

“The report highlighted their strong curriculum with Ofsted noting that they have ‘created the conditions in which pupils can learn an ambitious curriculum’ and that ‘pupils participate in a range of sporting and cultural extra-curricular opportunities’.  It is excellent that all the hard work and dedication of the staff who offer these opportunities has been recognised.”

Mr Poole finished by saying: “I would also like to thank you - all the parents and carers - for the support you have given as we have made the changes needed to improve the quality of education we offer.

“I have always said that you have the right to expect a successful school at the heart of this fantastic community, and I am very pleased that this report gives recognition of that fact.”

The inspection was completed by Ofsted on May 17 and 18.

Queen Elizabeth’s School is a large school of around 1,300 students, nearly 200 of whom are in the Sixth Form.  Its history dates back more than 460 years.

The Ted Wragg Trust consists of 13 schools.